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Jac Brown, Sports Physical Therapist

Athletic Low Back Pain: A Principles Based Approach to Conservative Management & Return to Sport
This course did an excellent job in emphasizing utilization of treatment principles rather than specific exercises that "are the best." This provides clinicians with the ability to apply a similar framework to other pathologies. The course provided a systematic progression to move through the outlined phases... Ending the course with highlighting regress/progress/lateralize (top down/bottoms ups) was helpful to reinforce what intervention could be used in each phase... Overall, really loved the course.

CEU Information

Our courses are approved by ACEND, an accredited California Approval Provider for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants. Many states accept California-approved courses by reciprocity. ACEND may be contacted for any concerns.

For states requiring individual approval, participants can apply directly for CEU acceptance via their respective state processes. Necessary documentation will be provided upon request. Each state’s requirements can vary. Please confirm with your state board for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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